
Baha'is of Iran: The threat of "uprooting" by the judiciary

  The World Baha'i Community has expressed concern by publishing a statement about the "increasing persecution of Baha'i amid Corona" and threatening the Iranian judicial authorities to "uproot" the followers of this faith in Shiraz. Interestingly, the Baha'i religion started in Shiraz, Iran. In the meantime, a group of Iranian Baha'is in Shiraz summoned to begin prison terms for practising their faith were denied an appeal to delay their incarceration at a jail where they would risk coronavirus exposure, according to a knowledgeable source. Two Baha'i citizens of Shiraz, Behrouz Farzandi Ardakani and Ghassem Masoumi, were recently released from Adilabad Prison and contracted COVID-19 while inside the jail, with one now fighting for his life in hospital. These two were among seven Baha'is detained in the city in April in recent fresh crackdowns on the religious minority group. The group was held in solitary confinement by police, “Islamic...

Education Under The Fire

  By: Dr. Shahriar Jahanian The prophet Baha'u'llah, who was jailed and expelled for teaching a discovery that came after Mohammad's, the fairness of men and women, the unity of all religious faiths, and the potential of world peace, established the Bahai'n belief in the middle of the 1800s. Baha'u'llah is credited with defining the Bahai faith. Since the belief of the people of Baha’i inception around the teachings of Baha'u'llah, its followers have been subjected to persecution, including stoning to death, being sentenced to life in prison, and other forms of discrimination, not just in the Muslim world but also, on occasion, in the Christian world. Probably the worst nightmares of Bahai’s who were living in Iran occurred in Feb 1979, when the Islamic revolution succeeded. Besides all discrimination against Bahai’s, the worst one was preventing them from higher education. As some Background few months following the, revolution’s success, all the univer...

A Price For Remaining Bahai

The incident in the movie "The "Fiddler on the Roof," which happened to the Jews in the former Soviet Union more than one hundred years ago, happened recently in a village called Roshankoh in Iran for Bahai recently. In the movie, the Jews were forced to evict their village, Anatevka, and leave their homeland. Recently in Iran, all Bahai were forced to evict their homeland called Shirinkoh.   Roshankoh village is one of the functions of the Chahardangeh district of Sari city in Mazandaran province in the north of Iran. According to the announcement of the representative of the Baha'i community in the United Nations and several human rights websites, a number of Baha'i houses in Roshankoh village in the north of the country was destroyed again, and the agricultural lands of another number of Baha'is in this village were seized. This village, most of whose residents are Baha'is, has been the scene of attacks by government forces and the destruction of...